Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Beauty Pageant Girl

I always wonder how much to tell my children concerning my breast cancer or how they will interpret what I tell them. We have been very straight forward with the kids and I think it has gone well-except when Italia thought I would give her chemo by kissing her. I did not tell them exactly what would happen during surgery-only that they would remove the cancer from my body.
Well, Italia went to her brother's soccer game on Saturday and hung out with her two friends from her soccer team. They had a great time and they all came home happy. Last night all the boys were at practice and Italia shared with me that Montana-her soccer friend told her they would have to cut off my boobies in surgery. She said this as if Montana was saying something completely ridiculous. When I explained to Italia that is what they did do she was a little shocked. I explained that they gave mommy some fake ones so my body still looks real. That is when she got really excited and said I was just like the girls from the beauty pageant or Toddlers & Tiaras, except my fake boobies were under the skin. Reality TV does have its benefits.


  1. I will pray for your surgery and your healing. You are so strong and such a good example of a fighter! :)

  2. I have been praying for you daily. I was very happy, and still am, to hear the cancer didn't go into your lymph nodes. Italia is great. She is very happy. You would never know that her mom is dealing with cancer.;)

  3. outa the mouth of babes... haha
    love it .. Joann
