Monday, December 5, 2011

What Really Happened? Beauty School Dropout

Disclaimer*Remember-I was going into surgery and some of my memories are hazy at best because they like you drugged and malleable for surgery.
My surgery was scheduled for November 21st. We woke up early and checked into the hospital at 6:30am. When we walked in there was my father-in-law waiting for us with his newspaper and coffee. It was so sweet and he looked so steady, like it was all a piece of cake. This is the guy you definitely want in your corner when your scared or uncertain. I went back into pre-op and was given the requisite paper gown, socks, and beautiful head cover(think large hair net that flops from side to side). The gown and socks were a really cute purple color so at least I felt partially fashionable. It was really cold in the room. The nurse tucked me in like I was a little girl and said she would warm me up. The next thing I know she hooked a vacuum hose up to a hole in the SIDE of my paper gown and warm air filled my gown and bed. It was blissful. I was asked a million questions to which I nodded and smiled just comfortable in my warm bed. My mom came back to visit, Papa came to pray over me, Sam hung out with us and talked to the anesthesiologist, but then it was time to draw some purple marks all over me and nobody but my husband should see that-so there was a break in the visits. Curtains closed, gown moved, the drawing began and looked interesting. Then Dr.Mattson-Gates signed both sides with a flourish and I was ready. I got settled back in bed, the curtain was whipped back and Josh was there, he really scared me. I think we both jumped(he thought he might see something he never should and I feared a big guy looming behind a curtain in a place where they chop you up). We hung out with Josh and he prayed over me giving me peace that had started to slip a little.
I was given some drugs to relax before surgery and then it gets a little hazy. Beth came back to chat, my mom came back again, and then I don't really know much, it all runs together. There was a Dr.Greaser(real name-who had coffee breath that I just wanted to keep smelling because I do love my coffee) who injected me not once, not twice, but four times in places where I have never been stabbed. Daniel(the nurse) was kind and let me crush his hand as long as I promised not to dig my fingernails into him. Some stuff caused a delay so I didn't get into surgery until 12(I think). While I waited I played Words with Friends-thank you Sam.
Then it was Go Time. They wheeled me down the hall(I had foolishly rejected the 2nd dose of relaxation drug)and of course I became the nervous talker. What's your name? This is all for me? Do you have children? What are your plans for Thanksgiving? Me?, No, I am not cooking this year-you get the picture. Fill the white walls and sterile objects with chatter and they will disappear, right? They moved me to the surgical table and all I thought was how do fat people not fall off of this thing. It was as skinny as my 16 year old, but it worked. Then my arms were laid out either in crucifixion or I hope supplication? I was given an IV and this is where I wonder what happened...
Was the operating room filled with music that the doctor liked(maybe a little Beyonce and Adele followed by some Foo Fighters? Did the doctors and nurses discuss the mundane tasks they had to do after work that day? Was there blood and gore everywhere as they chopped, sliced, and diced removing that cancer from me? Did they open me up and say oh no? Was it like Dr. 90210 and I just looked like a jellyfish hanging everywhere?
I like to picture the scene from the movie Grease-"Beauty School Drop Out". A little singing, dancing, and cute outfits that make everything dreamy when you wake up.


  1. Such smiles and giggles recalling such a time of the unknown and scary. I hope everything is going ok since the sound great! Lots of love to you. :)

  2. You really need to publish this blog :)
    That made me laugh out loud when Josh was standing there behind the curtain... opps... haha. You have such a compassionate family I just love them. I hear your hair is coming back. . I look forward to the next chapter in your book ... love you Joann

  3. Punkin,
    As Chris Pensen says "you rock"!
    I never told Papa, Darryl, Josh, Sam or Beth how much it meant to me to have them at the hospital. Papa and his wonderful stories, Sam and his tech advice on ipads, Beth to cry with, Josh with his calming presence, Darryl to keep us laughing, about "big balloons" and of course Christian the strong but silent rock. What a wonderful family you married into. Oh yeah, Nona Sally and our constant texting on what was happening with you. Prayer by text...whatever works. Love, Mom
