Monday, August 15, 2011


Italia has had a sinus infection for the last couple of weeks so I have only given her a kiss on the cheek lately. The other day I gave her a kiss on the mouth and she said..."Mommy, Your going to give me the chemo!" I had to explain that chemo is medicine Mommy gets, not a sickness she can get. It was cute and made me laugh.
Tomorrow I have my last "red devil" chemotherapy treatment and then I am on to the new stuff. I am really looking forward to getting this monkey off of my back and feeling like myself again.
Yesterday Christian and I watched the Ford Ironman Championship in Kona and that was inspiring. Two competitors had battled cancer and come back to compete. This could be a great goal for me if I could just get over the swimming in the ocean thing.


  1. Sam, Ciena, and Antonio are doing Ironman Canada on August 28th. We'll send you their bib numbers to track them online. And when you are ready to train - Sam is ready to coach!! Hang in there - you are an inspiration to all who know you and your family. Much love to you - Monica

  2. Hi mrs.h. I have gotten through a week of school already and my Spanish teacher is not as good as you. You are always mucho gusto I think if that means the best teacher in the world. I love you mrs.h keep on dreaming big!!! Hope you feel better with your monkey off.

  3. That sounds like an awesome goal. You no likie to ocean? lol
    You are such an inspiration, can't wait to see you in a few weeks and give you a big hug.
    Love and prayers.... Joann
