Thursday, December 8, 2011

Recovery, Well...

I had surgery on November 21st. It went well, my family stayed for 14 hours in the waiting room-no, the surgery did not take that long, but there were some delays and recovery time in there too. I half awoke in the recovery room to two male nurses arguing about me going home. They said I was. I cracked one eye open and said, "Dr. Suh said I could stay. I am staying. Call Dr. Mattson-Gates, I am staying the night. Oh yeah, I am in pain, can you give me something?" They gave me morphine. YUCK! Did I tell you that all opiate based narcotics make me vomit? I made it through recovery and being moved to my room all without "decorating" the floor or a person. I just kept breathing through my nose and wishing it all away.
I know I seem to say this a lot, but I had two fabulous nurses, Michelle and Althea, who took care of me all night. Christian made a bed on the couch and they gave him some blankets and stuff. I awoke about midnight, not feeling too hot. I knew it was coming-the barfing. I grabbed my little styrofoam cup and then realized too small. I ripped the top off of the pitcher of water they had brought-mmmm, too small too. I was like Goldilocks. Which one was going to be just right? I called out for my knight in shining armor-Christian-and he rushed to my side with none other than the bed pan-pee hat. I was lucid enough to realize, please no, not the place where I have to go to the bathroom, please just get the colored bowl that is for barfing. He made it, and all was well.
I thought all was well until cheery Michelle came in to announce I had until 1 am to use the restroom on my own. I knew what they had planned if I did not conform to their ways. I would have to get a catheter and there was no way that was going to happen. I mean really, they just chopped my top half off, did they have to mess with the bottom part of me too?
I dredged up the strength at 12:55 and went to the restroom with not just Michelle, but sweet Althea too. There I was with a bucket in my lap barfing my lungs up, but I went #1-so no catheter for me. VICTORY!Then Althea tucked me back into bed and the next thing I knew it was 6am. Praise the Lord! No more barfing and no more opiates.

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