Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Word of the Day-VOMIT

No, I don't mean the stuff that spews from your mouth, I mean the acronym the doctor gave me at the hospital on Monday. Before I get into that I need to backtrack a little.
Remember the last blog when I said I didn't want to jinx anything, well I did. I flew into Texas on Thursday, had pre-op on Friday and I was all clear for surgery. Sally, Ron and I went to a movie, then dinner, and relaxed. The plan was set into motion. Then I got a call from my surgeon on Saturday saying that there was an abnormal level of hormones in my pregnancy test and I had to come in for a blood test before they would do surgery. Goodness gracious, possible pregnancy? I was laughing on the phone and the doctor wanted to know what was so funny.I think I lost my mind a little and it was the giggle of the deranged I was emitting. Babies, breast cancer, and back boobs. The alliteration is just so fitting.
Monday morning arrived and I checked in at 8am for a blood test-to confirm that I was NOT pregnant. It took a couple of hours, but in that time I checked into pre-op. I dressed in my gown, got marks drawn on me, met with both my doctors, and the anesthesiologist. He was a nice man who explained the general anesthesia and another technique, a blocker. The blocker is similar to an epidural, yes I would be asleep, but he would also numb the chest area so I would have less pain up to 5 days after surgery. Since I tend to get very ill from pain meds this was a great option.
Complications, yes I asked. There is a .04% chance that you can get pneumothorax, which is when the lung is punctured and can collapse.
I agreed to the blocker, kissed my husband goodbye, and got ready to be drugged. I had to sit on the side of the bed holding a pillow to my front while the nurse held me up. On the bed next to me was a smorgasbord of medications. Low and behold, there was the Michael Jackson drug, next to many others, and two huge needles, I mean huge, for the blocker. I remember sitting on the bed and that was it.
Next thing I know there is my surgeon and the anesthesiologist. I realized that we were in the same room I started out in. They told my that during the blocker procedure my lung had been punctured and they could not proceed with surgery. Oh my gosh, there came that deranged little giggle again. The doctor thought I was loopy, I was, but it was really funny too. I named my lost blog "2nd Times a Charm, Or is it the 3rd?" It has to be the third because that is the number I am on now.
So my lung was punctured, I was admitted to the pulmonary unit of the hospital for overnight observation. I got to ride in an ambulance for the 1/2 mile trek(which I asked if I could walk, but that is against the rules).
Upon my check in Dr. Sohn informed me of VOMIT. It means a Victims OF Modern Imaging Technology. I have had so many scans and the first delayed surgery because the doctors are too good and thorough. This delay was because I was one .04% who get their lung punctured. I would rather be the 1% that the Occupy movement is against, but alas, I am not.
Now I will have another x-ray on Thursday(number 4) to determine the state of my pneumothorax. If it has cleared up I am scheduled for surgery on Monday, but don't hold your breath, pun intended. In the meantime I am not allowed to fly, scuba dive, or mountain climb. What is a girl to do for fun?


  1. stay strong ... your humor in the midst of trial is amazing. You have such a story to tell my friend. With you interceding in prayer...
    love you Joann

  2. With your creativity I bet you will find something fun to do, maybe you could finish the harry potter books;) From Morgan:)

  3. Alyx you are such an inspiration. In the midst of all this craziness you remain strong with a great deal of wit. Your outlook on life and your situation specifically is truely uplifting. I pray for your full and rapid recovery. God bless you and your family.

  4. Alyx, your blog has me laughing with tears streaming down my cheeks. Your gift of putting in words what you are going through is awesome. You are a blessing.

  5. Since you can't fly (I know that was last week) I thought we could send you a Grey Hound bus pass. You could take the local bus that stops in every small town so that the road trip from Houston to OC would be memorable and eye opening! Just think of the road trip food that would be available...grease, grease and more grease.
