Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Dad

Happy Birthday to the greatest dad in the world. Today is my dad's 70th birthday, but you wouldn't know it. He is ageless. For those of you who have had the pleasure of knowing my dad you have been blessed. He has taught me some of the best life skills a girl could ever ask for. When I was seven he taught me how to play blackjack. Even though I feared sharks more than anything(even those fresh water sharks that only exist in the mind of an 8 year old) he taught me how to water ski. When I was older he showed me how to work really hard at my job, but also how to love every minute of it. He survived those dreaded teenage years including teaching me how to drive a stick shift. It helped that we went out in the dune buggy and I could run over things and concentrate on letting the clutch out. He tried to teach me how to read a map and get through geometry, but some things are just impossible to learn, including "Mary Had a Little Lamb" on the piano. I am as tone deaf as they come. Thank you dad for always being there with a whistle and a smile.
Love you, Chaser


  1. Dad and I are laying out by the pool, at the same hotel you were at when you were first pregnant with Chase. How things have changed over the years, thank you for being you and giving us the best kidlets to enjoy in our golden years. You are with us in spirit and in wonderful memories of many birthdays spent together as a family. Love, Kisses, Hugs and Smiles
    Mom & Dad

  2. are making me cry!!!I know that comes pretty easy for me but seriously...tears!
