Saturday, July 2, 2011

Steel Magnolias

Did any of you ever see the movie Steel Magnolias? There was this scene in the movie where Shirley Mclaine's dog is barking and running around and he had lost most of his hair. He had chunks of it falling out and he looked like a patchwork of fur. Well, I officially look like that dog. I only have patches of hair left on my head and it looks a little disturbing. I told Christian I felt like the Terminator when he is blown up and half of his head is missing or a version of Teri Hatcher in Spy Kids after she catches on fire. I do not use these comparisons in a depressing way, just a visual perspective of how crazy it is to watch your hair disappear from your head. I had to have another biopsy and mammogram yesterday and today. I swear it is just new forms of some kind of medieval torture device. The biopsy was ultrasound guided and I was able to watch the needle go in and remove bits of flesh. Then they put you in the squishy machine(mammogram) and take pictures of where they have just removed your flesh. Gross stuff, but the nurses are really nice and cheery. I guess they have to be since they deal with women parts all day. Can you imagine what they see? All shapes, sizes, and colors, to be manipulated by their squishy machines. For those of you who have had a mammogram it really is quite astounding how they can smash, contort, and compress all that stuff while smiling and saying, "Hold your breath."


  1. You should start to take a chunk of hair from Christian every night while he's snoozin'. Then tell him it's his body showing sympathy. Or Better yet have Chase do it to him for payback.

  2. squishy is a very kind word for that machine :P
    you will look beautiful completely bald..shave it, you have the perfect head and face. <3 U Joann

  3. ok..can you imgaine if the men had to get a "down-there-a-gram' They would all walk like old cowboys and sing in the boys choir or with Frankie Vallie! ;-) ...think about it.
    Alyx, my hero. Bravery is not taught. It is astounding result of YOUR hope and endurance... you have it in droves!!!
    Yet... I do thank our Lord for the continuing miracale of wisdom he has gifted these men and women with to invent , discover & create such techknowledgey to save the lives to so many.
    (I am also thanking the one that invented air conditioning. Who ever you are.You rock I appreciate you more than you know, living in humid stickey hot south!)
    I love you Alyx... X 10000000

  4. Alyx, you are a true inspiration and I want you to know you are receiving many prayers from Oconomowoc, WI family!!! You and my husband Don are on similar paths. Reading your blogs totally makes me feel like we are on the same journey. We will hold you, Christian and your family in our hearts and prayers. Keep your chin up and keep up the good fight!!!

