Wednesday, May 25, 2011

First Doctor's Appointment

1 comment:

  1. I went to see my PCP(personal care physician) on a Tuesday. At the appointment I was a little nervous, but she found the lump right away. Then I laid down and of course the lump disappeared because I've had three children and they are like deflated balloons. My doctor decided to call in another doctor for a second opinion and as they spoke I could see what they weren't telling me. They immediately agreed to send me to a diagnostic testing appointment. Of course I had to wait a week and a half to get in for an ultra sound and mammogram. I was nervous, on edge, and filled with a nagging sense of fear, but we were busy. Baseball games, projects, tests to study for, football games, gymnastics, dinner, really just doesn't end and I really didn't want it too. I kept thinking it could be nothing; it could be something. What do you do but pray and live in the meantime.
