Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Grammy Gave Me Inspiration

Today I wasn't going to blog because nothing "big" happened today and then I realized that "nothing" is a really good thing. When I look at something like cancer happening I think we always want to know the how and why. I also think we need to look at it as what positive aspects can this bring to my life? I was just emailing my Grammy who I haven't seen in much too long and it came to me why getting cancer hasn't been so bad. I have talked more to my grammy, my uncles and aunts in Colorado, and connected with my family and friends than ever before. Even my little niece Gianna left a comment on my blog. Before cancer it was easy to go through the motions of work, family, commitments, and just busyness. I think that this was God's way of saying, "Stop and smell the roses. You are blessed."
You have all laughed with me, encouraged me, prayed with me, and have offered to help in so many ways. I am truly grateful and blessed.
By the way, just for you slackers out there, I ran 4 miles this morning. I will be ready to kick some serious Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure Pink in September.


  1. You are a total inspiration friend!

  2. Alyx, you're positive outlook and trust in God have been inspiring to me and I am grateful for your friendship. I am praying for you and am loving the blog, keep it going! God is good, all the time!

  3. WOW... I couldn't have said it better. Let this be a lesson to us all, to step out of the "busyness" & stop, listen, appreciate & be thankful. You truly are a blessing & an inspiration. God's continued blessings to you! Super Trouper!! Kristina Z.

  4. wow mrs.h so competitive. Thats the mrs.h i know. thank God she has not changed, what would i do without my wacky, crazy, funny, smart teacher?!!
    <3 Gracie Brown
